Sunday, January 11, 2009

Death of a friendship

A very good friend of mine died unexpectedly the day after Christmas. We thought we had more time. To be totally truthful (Wow that's an oxymoron) We knew she was dying but expected it to be later in the month or in January. We knew that she would not recover this time. She had gone to bed the day after Thanksgiving and I think wished herself death. She had colon cancer and was 89. 89 people say.. she had a good long run. That's so true. But she has been a part of my life since high school more than 40 years ago and she was my buddy. She has been so much a part of the weave of my life..she was the 'go to' person in my life. When I have a cooking question, a sewing question, a life choice question. She was one of the few non judgemental people in my life.
She would always say...well I am not sure... and then start the weave... we would work on the issue step by step. If it was something physical she would say well let me look.. her you do it... but she would always be the one to encourage and teach and applaud every ones successes and gently grieve when it wasn't such a success. She was funny and silly and a good pal and I will miss her always cheerrful smile. Goodbye sweet friend... we had a good run.


Marylisa said...

Oh, I am so sorry! It's just never easy -- expected or not. We just need cheerleaders in our lives.

Charmaine said...

What a great lady. You got to know her for a long time. Because of her, you're in a position to emulate some of her kindness.

You're lucky.

Many of us lose people before we learn that lesson. Celebrate her life by doing for someone else, what she did for you.


HOA Mgr Lady said...

What a kind message Charmaine Thank you and I WILL. I promise :)