Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Grow UP already!

Little girl voices and WHY does this bug me?

Why do parents allow their girl children to have little "cute" voices (Which really are cute when you're 7 but not when you are anything past 16) ? Most of these kids need a year of speech lessons to learn how to properly speak especially on the phone when you are calling to MARKET either yourself or a company you work for. < !! ending in a preposition.It is so annoying and perhaps it is just because I live in Southern Calif and they are versions of the old "valley girl speak" Grrrrrrrrr


STOP speaking in a singsong voice that is about 3 octaves above your normal speech and making a statement with a question mark at the end.. Are you asking me or are you informing me?

TEACHER TEACHER MOMMU DADDY ~ John and Susie can't spell nor can they speak.